Saturday, 26 May 2012

OPI Number One Nemesis with stamping

Number One Nemesis is a lovely warm charcoal grey (see here on it's own) with warm undertones and gold glitter so I wanted to try and marry in some stamping. Here's what I came up with using my new Drikk stamping plate. I wasn't thrilled about the final result but I liked it a lot better in a matte finish.

Base colour: OPI Number One Nemesis
Nail plate: Drikk DRK-A
Stamp colour: China Glaze 2030
Topped with Essie Good to Go
Then topped with Essie Matte About You

Friday, 25 May 2012

OPI Number One Nemesis

Today I'd like to share a polish from the Amazing Spiderman collection. Number One Nemesis is a warm grey glitter with a super shiny finish. There's such a variety of colours in this that it's challenging to capture them with my camera. In the shade there's loads of gold shimmer which I love.

The formula is easy to apply and dries quickly. This shows two coats applied over a black base (as that's what I was wearing and was too lazy to take it off!)

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Photo Gallery added to blog

I'd like to bring your attention to a new feature of my blog - please see above right and click on Photo Gallery.

This will take you to the Dynamic View of my post and works very well as a photo gallery.

This view can easily be changed by selecting the drop down menu on the left side.

Clicking on my blog title at the top will return you to the original view.

Many thanks to Rebecca at Rebecca Likes Nails for posting this helpful information!

For those who would like to add this feature - here's how to do it:

  1. Make sure you are in the new blogger interface (this option isn't available in the old version)
  2. Go to the Design section of your blog and add a new page
  3. Select from the options "Blank page" or "Web address". Choose web address - you will come back to this point in a minute . . .
  4. Open your blog in a new window/tab and type "/view" after your URL - this will enable you to view the page in dynamic view
  5. Select snapshot or flipcard view from the dropdown menu on the left
  6. Copy the URL when in Dynamic View
  7. Go back to step 3 and select "Web Address" and paste your URL ending in "/view" and save.

Hope this helps!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Chanel Peridot/OPI Just Spotted the Lizard with Drikk stamping plate

Even though this is such an amazing colour I just can't go past adding some stamping. I bought this great stamping plate from Llarowe for $25 plus $7.44 for shipping - which I felt was very reasonable. The designs are big - at least one and a half the size of Konad designs. I was happy with the plate - the design transferred really well and it's nice to have a bit more variety with stamping.

Argh every time I use Konad Special Black stamping polish I loath the clean up. Can anyone suggest another black stamping polish??

Base colour: Chanel Peridot/OPI Just Spotted the Lizard (on alternative nails)
Nail plate: Drikk DRK-A
Stamp colour: Konad Special Black
Topped with Essie Good to Go

Friday, 18 May 2012

Chanel Peridot vs OPI Just Spotted the Lizard comparison

Today I'd like to share with you a comparision between Chanel Peridot and OPI Just Spotted the Lizard. From the bottle shot JSTL has a lot more blue and green compared to Peridot. I guess it's possible that this could partly be because of the shape of the bottle. So they do look somewhat different in the bottle.

Now before I get onto the polish shots - I just like to comment on their application. Both polishes dried relatively quickly. I found the wider OPI brush a lot easier to work with than Chanels longish thin brush. Both formulas show brush strokes and this is quite difficult to avoid. Other than that I couldn't really find any obvious difference between the two.

So this is a bit picture heavy - my apologies - but this is really the most gorgeous duochrome. Golden in the sunlight and flashing green in the shade. These pictures show two coats.

Ok hands up who can tell the difference??? I must admit that they are so similar I couldn't remember which ones were which and to keep checking before I added the text to my photos.

So what's your opinion on these? I know that for most of you Chanel is a pretty pricey polish. I happened to land one for $20 which I guess seems a bit steep. However standard prices for OPI in NZ are about $24 so I guess from that persective it's quite a bargain.

China Glaze Liquid Leather with Millennium stamping

Just a quick post today - I've been busy and my nails have been sorely neglected. In fact this is a manicure I applied for our weekend away last weekend - and I'm still wearing it! lol My nails are definitely needing some TLC - today!

Please excuse the tip wear and poor photo - argh it's the end of a busy week!

Base colour: China Glaze Liquid Leather
Nail plate: Konad M73
Stamp colour: China Glaze Millennium
Topped with Essie Good to Go

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

I need your help!!!

Please can I ask you to have a look at my entry in the BundleMonster nail art competition on Facebook and vote for me!!!

Here is my entry:

And here is the link to vote for my entry:

I'd really appreciate your voting for me. Thanks so much!!

Monday, 7 May 2012

OPI Suzi Loves Cowboys with stamping

So if I'm to be really honest I bought this polish because of its name. I just think it's hysterical! Anyway the actual colour of this polish closely resembles chocolate - or more accurately maybe mud pies . . . ? I do like that it's a creme finish but the reality is hey, it's brown! lol The application was a bit streaky so this shows three coats. Then I stamped with China Glaze Hi-Tek.

Base colour: OPI I Suzi Loves Cowboys
Nail plate: Konad M65
Stamp colour: China Glaze Hi-Tek
Topped with Essie Good to Go

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