Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Zoya Yara - and an attempt at stamping!

Today's mani follows on from my Zoya haul. This lovely polish is Zoya's Yara and is a super pigmented (like Neeka) polish that is almost opaque in one coat. This shows two coats and I've been trying to perfect cleaning up around my cuticles with a paint brush dipped in acetone.

Yara is very easy to apply and is a gorgeous dusty olive green with loads of gold shimmer.

I wanted to attempt a tape mani and taped off the lower section of my nails and mattified it with China Glazes Matte Magic and stamped over the join with China Glaze 2030 and an image from BM 12. I'm a bit disappointed how this turned out as I had an idea in mind - and this wasn't it! lol

Base colour: Zoya Yara
Nail plate: Bundle Monster BM12
Stamp colour: China Glaze 2030


  1. It still looks cool! Not all things we try come out like we want them to! I like this!

  2. Lovely color and mani! You shouldn't be disappointed, it look really good and neat!

  3. I'm just in love with this polish....

  4. I love that Zoya. I wore it yesterday!


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