This is a selection of my green polishes:
L-R: (all China Glaze) Gussied Up Green, Outta Bounds, Paper Chasing, Cha Cha Cha
This is China Glaze's Gussied Up Green. Love how even though it's very dark the green shimmer looks amazing.
And while I was at it I decided to see how it looks with various stamping polishes.
L-R: China Glaze Awaken, Konad Special Gold, China Glaze Robotika, China Glaze Millennium and Thumb is China Glaze Hi-Tek
And now time for the blues:
L-R: China Glaze Blue Island Iced Tea, China Glaze Rodeo Fanatic, OPI Ski Teal We Drop, OPI Midnight Blue Glitter, and Thumb is China Glaze Blue Iguana
So I've decided that Blue Island Iced Tea really isn't for me and while it's a terrible angle for Midnight Blue Glitter I don't see me wearing that either. The other three colours I'm really taken with, especially Ski Teal We Drop and I can't help but love the vibrancy of Rodeo Fanatic.
I've added Cha Cha Cha to my wish list! I love this kind of colors!