Thursday, 2 May 2013

CG Below Deck stamped with CG Joy

Today I'd like to show you a subtle tone on tone manicure. Even though I've had Below Deck for ages this is  my first time wearing it. It's a lovely pastel purple based taupe and goes on evenly and easily. I recently bought some more CG polishes with the express intent on using them for stamping and Joy is one of them. I thought it worked really well!

Base colour: China Glaze Below Deck
Nail plate: Bundle Monster BM 319
Stamp colour: China Glaze Joy
Topped with Essie Good to Go

Excuse my tip wear and the quality of the photos. My husband has 'borrowed' my camera and these are taken with my Galaxy SIII. Also the uploader has randomly rotated the photos . . .?!


  1. Very cool looking. Love those little shape's. So cool you took this with a Galaxy SIII. I just got mines last weekend, and I'm in love.

  2. I convinced myself a while ago that I didn't need CG Below Deck but your swatches are making it very hard for me to justify that decision ;)


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