Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Here's some of the polishes that I've collected recently. They've been cluttering up my desk while I procrastinated about this post! So they can now be moved to their rightful places. lol Which reminds me I really need to reorganise my polish area . . . a wet day job me thinks!

Bridal Veil, Ascalon, Lady of the Lake, Princess Sabra, Dragon, Saint George

Kleancolor Chunky purple holo, Scarlet O'Hara, Bold & Beautiful, Honey Bun, It's a Genius, Angora Cardi, Braziliant

Shine of the Times, Sole Mate, Armed & Ready, Pretty Edgy, Going Incognito, Smokin' Hot
Riveting, Mahogany Magic, Harvest Moon, Electrify

Fairy Dust, Luxe and Lush, Stone Cold, Agro
Close up of Fairy Dust


  1. Fairy dust,electrify and luxe are gorgeous!! A-England st George is lovely too.

  2. Oh to be a fly on the wall!!!! You have to let me know what Agro & Harvest moon are like because I held off on buying them and am seriously reconsidering it!!!!

  3. These are flipping amazing you have got a lot! Love them all! lucky you, which are your favourites? :D

  4. I want to come over and play!


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